This too is older, a basic up-down skinny with a sally-line to the right, which can be hit as an up over the rock or a wheelie-drop coming towards you.
After my wife 'did herself some yoga', which is what she does at least one of the weekend days, we (Seamus and Kelly and I) headed to Lawrence to do a bit of window shopping. We had a great lunch at Zen Zero on Mass St. and visited some interesting stores. Seamus won the prize with some new kicks (sweet toddler tennis shoes) while I downed a nice double decker ice cream cone and Kelly got hooked-up with some new slacks. We love walking on Mass St. This is one of many fun signs we witnessed along the way...
I just need to round-up a seat post, saddle, chain ring, bash guard and then figure out if I'm going fixed or single speed with this one...and...will I be able to run this baby w/o a chain tensioner? I have a half-link for the chain and am ready to experiment. Keep your eyes peeled for Parts Bin #2 for the final build...coming soon to a blog near you.
After lunch me and the family headed over to elude working on the trails at SWOPE by pretending that we were on a family hike. This worked quite well and we were amazed to see all of the folks out helping. The trails at Swope are amazing and are very labor intensive to build. If you run into anyone who has worked on the trails here, give them a nice thanks, they deserve it! Don't worry, I'll put in my time...
Great news to end a great day! And in case you can't read...I am IN! Leadville 100 here I come.
After trail work and lunch, My wife, two of our close friends and I went on a 12 mile, paved trail ride. I decided to pull my Son in the Burly bike trailer. I had yet to haul 40 extra lbs around on my fixed gear so I went for it. Can you say hella-good-training? Not that the going was so much harder but the stopping! We had a great ride! It was just a great day to enjoy being outside!
Here is a great photo of the Ultimate Pirate (my wife) and our Son after a ride last summer while pulling the Burly bike trailer (yep, sometimes even I get a break!). Note the Flag Flying at our casa.