Monday, November 19, 2012

Wild Turkey...

It was a perfect weather day on Saturday, absolutely beautiful out. 
The kind of nice day that would eat at your soul if some time was not spent at dirt church.
Kitchen pass in hand, I headed out for a bit of an exploratory style recon ride.
I found a few miles of new terrain to play on, fast and flowing trail with some honorable climbs tossed-in for good measure.
I saw three giant turkeys, running.
I sometimes find myself deep in the woods, far from any trail, just wondering around - trying to stay on two wheels.
Only the rustling of leaves under a tire can be heard, the occasional crack of a stick, your own heavy breathing.

Eventually I landed on some groomed single track - perfect conditions.
I rode for a few hours, alone, just thinking about the universe.
Maybe I was just thinking about getting home and having a beer.
Yeah, beer.
Nothing like a cold one after a good romp in the woods. 

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